You will be able to view your device from computers and cell phones from both your Local Network as well as over the internet from remote computers and cell phones. The following guides will instruct you to put your IP address into certain fields. It is important to know which IP that you input into these fields. You will either use your device’s Local IP Address, or you will use your internet’s Public IP Address and whether port forwarding is needed.
Viewing from the Local Network:
If you intend on viewing your device from a computer or a cell phone that is either wired or attached through wifi to the same router that your device is attached to, then you will input your device’s Local IP Address in the following instructions when prompted. This is the same IP address that was configured in Easy7 SCE.
Viewing over the internet from a remote location:
If you intend on viewing your device from a computer or cell phone that is on a completely different network (over the internet) then you will need to input your Public IP Address into the fields when prompted. To find out what your networks public IP address is, ensure that your device is on the same network as the computer that you are viewing right now. If this is the case, here is your Public IP Address:
Furthermore, before you attempt to use the public IP address, you will need to do a process called “port forwarding” on the same router that your device is attached to. Please go to this step to see the ports that you need to forward.
1.Download / Install the free Easy7 Smart Client Express application to your computer:
2.Login to the Easy7 SCE software. The default username and password are admin / 1111
3.Next, to add a device, click on “Device”
4.Click “Add Device” A new window will popup where you can add information to connect to your device.
5.Enter in your Device’s information:
For the IP / Domain, be sure to enter the Device’s IP Address that you will be connecting to.
Once you have everything entered, including the device’s username, password and the Device Details. After that is finished, you will click Add
6.Next, Go back to the Home and click Preview
7.Lastly, double click on the device you just added on the right column to bring up the Preview
How to view your IP Camera from a Mobile Device:
1.Download / Install the free TDViewer (Apple) or TDViewer (Android) application to your mobile device:
2.Tap the button on “+” to add a device
3.Next, you can tap the “IP/Domain ” or “P2P ” icon to add a device.
4.Enter in your IPC’s information:
o For the IP Address / Domain, be sure to enter the Device’s IP Address that you will be connecting to.
Remember, if your cell phone is using wifi and is wirelessly attached to the same router that your IP Camera is attached to, then please input your devices local IP address. If you are using your cell phones 3G/4G connection, then you will need to put input your network’s public IP address. If you will be switching back and forth between networks, it would be advantageous to add 2 devices in the cell app, name one “Away” for when you use the 3G connection, and name the other “Local” whenever you choose to use the wifi connection.
oWhen asked for the Port you will input the TCP Port of the device.
oFor the P2P, be sure both the NVR and the phone can connect internet
o Once you have everything entered, tap Start Live Preview to connect to your DVR and to show the live preview:
Please note that the port forwarding process is not needed when viewing over your local network.
Since all router admin pages are different there is no clear cut way to explain how to do port forwarding. Searching your router’s model number or brand on Google to find the port forwarding section can be very helpful. But basically you need to get into your routers administration page. You can normally achieve this by inputting the Gateway IP Address into a web browser.
You then need to navigate to the port forwarding section of your router and forward the following ports to your camera’s Local IP Address:
1.Access your IP Camera’s web interface.
2.Once logged in to your camera, proceed to Configuration > Network Management > Network Service > Other
3.The ports you need to forward are the TCP Port and HTTP Port. By default, these ports are set to 3000 and 80, but you can change those if needed:
You can change IP Camera’s port with “Net_Admin”
1.Choose the objective IP Camera
2.Change the port, and proceed to ChangePort > Reboot
If you have three IP Camera, you can change IP Camera’s port with “Net_Admin”, like this:
1.Change IPC’s http-port to 80/81/82 respectively ( By default, http-port is 80 )
2.Change IPC’s server-port to 3000/4000/5000 respectively ( By default, server-port is 3000 )
3.Port mapping equipment:
○ http-port http-port 80, mapping on the router http-port number should be 80
○ server-port it is best add 1. For example: server-port 3000, mapping on the router server-port number should be 3001
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