Tiandy won 7th in the a&s “2021 Global Security 50 Ranking”


Tiandy Technologies Co., Ltd. 

has been ranked 7th in the a&s “2021 Global Security 50 Ranking” 

We are very excited to announce that Tiandy ranked 7th in the a&s Top Security 50 newly released today and again held top 10 security brand. The a&s conducts an analysis on influential surveillance companies worldwide and makes a ranking according to their 2020 sales revenue.

In 2021, Tiandy has always insisted on being proficient in products and focused on the industry. Tiandy technologies Co., LTD backed by long-lasting and extensive technology research and development, now regards technology leadership as one of its strategies,. Tiandy has made breakthroughs in intelligent hardware, blockchain, cloud computing, big data, and new ecological technology ,then achieve continuous innovation, match company strategy, and focus on resource.

In the future, Tiandy will continue to provide a solid development platform for partners and provide users with a safe and intelligent life based on our corporate motto, “you and me, creating a great enterprie together”.


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